Friday, March 03, 2017

Friday Update

Sorry but again this will be mainly about the weather and few other things I think of along the way.

It remains around 30° as a maximum everyday and with hardly a cloud in the sky.  The sky is a glorious blue but now the prevailing wind is a little cooler being from the east or south east.  The normal north easterly cooling sea breeze blows in daily again from around lunchtime.

They forecast possible showers overnight and then predict 1 to 5mm, enough to dampen the earth.  But the last two nights there is a rumble in the air around 9:30pm.  For interest's sake you check out the radar app on your phone and there appears to be a line of light showers coming through.  As the showers hit the coast they suddenly begin to change color, turning red, yellow and black, the colors that indicate heavy rain.

And down it comes, almost in sheets.  You get up and rush to close windows and doors and the rain just pelts down!  It is just what we need and as the atmosphere cools the ceiling fan goes from Hi to Lo and you begin to feel just a little cooler!

In the morning the roads are still a little damp and you check the rain gauge to see just how much you got.  This morning there were 35mls in the gauge, yesterday 44mls!  That is a little over 3" of rain in the old scale altogether.

The pool is full, the garden is flourishing and the rock hard front lawn is showing signs of softening just a little.  But another 150mls would be perfect!

Yesterday we drove back up to Headland Golf Club for lunch which was just beautiful.  The golf course itself looks a little the worse for wear following the lack of rain as the photo above shows.  This is the view from where we enjoyed our meal!  Not a bad for photo for a$200+ phone.

The clicking noise in the bike has been fixed.  It turned out to be the bearings in one of the pedals.  So the two pedals were replaced and all is good again.  I ride most mornings still and I am getting heaps of kilometres under the belt.

I bottled on Monday, replenishing my supplies of beer.  I was given another 1.125l bottle of alcohol on Saturday so my supplies of Bourbon have been replenished!

The cricket from India is back on again on TV tomorrow which is good.  The pool is a great 26° in the morning and closes out around 30° late afternoon.  My new Xiaomi Note 3 is just amazing value for the money spent.  I am very happy with it!

Our daughter Kim is currently in Vietnam and we get photos daily via Facebook.

And that's about it.  I could go on and bore you about my continued adventures with Kodi and SPMC, two Android TV Box addons I learn more about each day.  They are unbelievable.

I have been told more than once by people I have helped setup boxes, "Why don't more people do this?"

My answer is I don't know!  I guess to each his own, for some people it is incredible, to others just a distraction!  I am firmly in the 'former's court"!

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