Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Midweek Update

Firstly, this joke really tickled my fancy.  My brother sent it to me but to make it fit in with 'airfares' I have edited it just a little....

A friend of mine up here has 2 tickets to the AFL football grand final in a few weeks time.

Private box seats plus airfare etc. But he didn't realize when he bought them that it was going to be on the same day as his wedding – so he can't go.

If you’re interested and would like to go instead of him it's at St Peters church in the Brisbane suburb of Redcliffe at 3.00pm. The bride's name is Louise.

Let us start with the footy, what a great game and it was a shame that one team had to win on the Friday night just gone.  I have said it just depended on which team had nudged its way to the front when the final siren went. With that my team Geelong just fell over the line when an after the siren Hawthorn shot on goal just missed.

With the luck of it all my team gets a week off while Trish's team faces up to a cut throat 'winner goes through to the Preliminary Final match' this weekend.

There were some great Australian Rules footy matches over the weekend.

The bottling I had from last week is complete, android TV boxes both here and elsewhere are all up to date and the lawn has received a cut.  One guy had family up over the weekend and now his adult daughter is after one as well.

I grabbed a fold up table from Bunnings earlier this week.  I will use it for my home brew bottling and bottle washing.  It will store very easily and be a better option than the round 'outdoor setting' table I had been using.

Things have been busy but quiet.  Meetings with the local Councillor, the daily bike ride and today, the first swim in the pool after a bike ride for the 2016/7 summer.  The water was almost 22° so a little on the chilly side.  We have mid to high 20's for the rest of the week along with the possibility of a storm or two.  One wet night recently saw 40mls end up in the rain gauge.

Magpies are bad this year for us older bike riders.  I just don't ride there when there are aggressive birds around, another friend was attacked four times on his bike ride this morning.  Even Trish had a brush with one while she was delivering the Community Newsletter.

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