Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Brisbane and the Final Leg

And so the cruise show rolled into Brisbane. We did the back in Australia Immigration bit, then boarded a shuttle bus and headed into town for a bit of shopping.  An hour or 2 of that was plenty so it was hop on the return bus back to the ship.

Trish's coughing has worsened during the day, not a good thing when you are on a cruise ship! She decided to stay in the cabin and give dinner a miss that night which has was a good move.

We had received our disembarkation instructions. Our Stateroom should be vacated by 8am Wednesday and our disembarkation time was 8:50 am when we would leave the ship, go through customs and hop on a shuttle bus for the airport. Our plane was due for take off around 1pm Wednesday. We had been requested to leave our main luggage cases outside our room by 9pm the night before so we can collect them after disembarkation.  Staff would take all the large bags to the customs area on the wharf for us to collect.

Tuesday would be our final full day on this cruise prior to heading home.

As we sailed south along the Australian coastline we had mobile phone coverage for some of the trip, and a chance for me to post this online.

The photo shows the top deck and the swimming pool.

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