Wednesday, February 25, 2009

All Quiet On The Sunshine Coast

There isn't a lot of news about at the moment. The weather has been very pleasant with a wonderful north easterly breeze most afternoons. Temperatures range between minimums of low 20's and maximum temps around 28 or so. Some cloud keeps the sun away but it is warm enough to keep the pool at about 26 most days. The humidity is down too making everyone more comfortable.

Our neighbours next door (on the right as you face our house) have moved out to take up employment managing an Accommodation Park on the south side of Brisbane. They left Monday evening.

Trish and I watched the "Oscars" which we enjoyed. We had seen most of the movies so felt we had some added insight into what was happening. I still think the best film was "Changeling". Last night I watched "The Wrestler" which I enjoyed too.

Trish is at Stitchery this morning and has a medical appointment early this afternoon.

We are flying down to Melbourne on Wednesday March 4th to celebrate Trish's birthday. We will be there for a couple of weeks, returning here on March 18th.

I am almost ready to bottle a batch of Apple Cider. I usually do cider in stubbies and they are drying now.

I have been asked to have another go at my presentation on Skype for the Computer Club on Saturday morning. I will be taking Trish's laptop with me so I know I have a machine which will work properly (even though it may be a little slow).

Our home is extremely close to the house next door (on the left facing our home). Unfortunately it is a rental property and the real estate agent has put young families in there as the two most recent tenants.

We are thinking of putting a full length canvas blind across the end of the pergola to give us a little more privacy than what we currently have. I have discussed prospective tenants with the Agent and she has agreed to be more careful in selecting appropriate tenants and now appreciates our position. This is the 'end' we intend to make more private.

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