Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cold In The Middle Of Summer's Heat

Just before Kate, Arj and the family headed back to Melbourne I had experienced a bit of a sore throat. I guessed it had been caused by some alcohol induced snoring one night so I didn't pay any attention to it. It seemed to disappear as the day wore on anyway so what the worry!

I noticed I was a little throaty on Wednesday morning but this cleared up as the day went on. Thursday I awoke with a slight sniffly nose but by the evening it was evident I had a nasty head cold. Thursday night wasn't much fun and I awoke Friday morning to find a pile of tissues beside the bed! Most of Friday was spent the same way, surrounded by tissues and empty tissue boxes. The Cold tablets I dug out of the cupboard weren't having much effect at all. I felt terrible!

This morning (Saturday) I still get watery eyes from time to time but I no longer need to carry tissues around with me 24 hours a day! However I feel a bit like I have been hit with a truck! I decided to give this week's Computer Club meeting a miss.

I bought a cheap circular saw with a $50 voucher I had received as a Kris Kringle gift. I have never owned one before and I don't have a lot of use for it. But the few times I would need a saw this will be a priceless gift! Thanks Kris Kringle (C & D).

I have found another "Movie Catalogue" program on the internet and I have been playing around with it. I like to visit IMDB (Internet Movie Data Base) to check on any movies I wish to download. IMDB gives each movie a viewer's rating and these can be a good guide to the quality of the show. One movie I downloaded (Resurrection Mary) had a great score of 7/10. However as the votes rolled in I discovered the rating had fallen to 4.3/10. I wouldn't have bothered downloading it if I knew it was that bad. Slumdog Millionaire (which I had downloaded and we watched the other night) get 8.6!

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