Thursday, January 22, 2009

Back On My Bike

With my head cold well and truly on the improve it was time to get back on the bike. Currently the weather here is from the north east, right off the tropical Coral Sea. Therefore it is full of moisture and rain is forecast over the next couple of days. January is usually the wettest month of the year for the Sunshine Coast but this year has been relatively dry by comparison. However the humidity made for a hot and sticky 11 km bike ride this morning so the pool was great to come home to.

I got another dozen or so movies off a mate the other day, now I have 90 to see! I don't know if that will happen!

With tennis (The Australian Open) and cricket on the TV, it is hard to find time even to have a swim. It must be near time to bottle my home brew too again I guess.

TV in Australia was full of the inauguration of the new US President Barack Obama. The coverage was on at 2 AM here so most of us did not see it live. However it was the main headline story on all the news coverages.

My RR (Regular Reader) from Texas sent me this email. I hope she doesn't mind me printing it here but I think it reflects the views of many of us downunder. It will be a pleasant change not to see the first response to an issue be heavy handed and use force. The world may well be a safer place from now on.

"I plan to stay home all day and be semi-glued to my television. This is a most historic day in our country, and I want to see all of it that I can. There are many of us in this country that hope that things will become better for us and the world from this day onward. In my 74 years, I have never seen the United States held in such little esteem by the rest of the world. Our patriotic spirit has been beaten down. We now have some hope for the future."

Thanks "Texas Lou".

Trish and I have booked airfares for a trip down to Melbourne for late August to enjoy a 60th birthday with a good friend. Because we booked so far ahead we were able to get incredibly cheap fares. Total cost for both of us to fly down to Melbourne and then back to the Sunshine Coast is $226!

These are with Tiger Airways a local budget airline and subsidiary of Singapore Airlines. Check out their website and fly up and stay with us for a while!

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