Monday, July 07, 2008

Now Two Of Us With Colds!

Trish continues to make hard work of things with her heavy cold. She is a little better and no longer has a fever. I have developed a cold but not as bad as Trish's. Mine is more nuisance value and is controlled easily with a cold tablet or two.

Yesterday we had a visit from Marcus, my nephew. He works for Spotlight and plans and monitors renovations of all Spotlight stores. Marcus stayed and had a couple of meals with us. He and his girlfriend Bridget have just returned from 2 weeks in Vietnam and Cambodia so we saw heaps of photos on his laptop.

The weather here continues cold and damp. A couple of days ago we had 34 mls of rain. The last two days have been showery with only a few mls. We are promised some heavy rain over night tonight. Temps have struggled to reach 20 degrees! We expect to have the sunny weather back again midweek.

We were pleased to learn good friend Rainy is coming to visit us for week in August. Trish is looking forward to that very much. In a week or so we are having friends from Newcastle up and then late next week Trish has a Nanna Visit to Melbourne for two weeks!

Another large post on our trip to Europe appears in the post below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have been reading all your travels and enjoying the photos. Tried to put a comment last week but somehow it wouldn't let me looking forward to seeing Trish when she comes down, hope your colds are better love C and D