Tuesday, July 29, 2008

To Lucerne, Switzerland

Our bus left Florence soon after 7 am and travelled through the Italian countryside and into the Alps area. As we passed Lake Como, the home of many many millionaires and the site of holiday homes for other millionaires, we knew we were leaving Italy and entering Switzerland. Switzerland is a truly beautiful spot. We had to pass through immigration and customs procedures at the border as Switzerland is not a member of the European Economic Union!

We travelled on towards Lucerne through the Alps. Only one word can be used to describe the scenery in this part of the world, simply AWESOME! You would travel from one beautiful spot then just around the corner is another spectacular view. Soaring snow capped mountains with picturesque Swiss homes dotted around the mountain base on a glorious green carpet of grass.

The bus passed through tunnels, one of which is over 30 kilometres in length! They have long tunnels here like we have bridges in Australia! You must click on these photos for a larger view, then "Back" to return to this page.

The bus arrived in Lucerne mid afternoon and we quickly left our hotel for a quick 'explore' of the shops and the city. As with most places in Europe, Lucerne is not cheap for shoppers so we did a lot of looking! We had decided to opt out of the evening's 'optional dinner', ( I hadn't spent this much money to go to a yodelling exhibition among other things!). We decided to fend for ourselves and find a local restaurant. We found we could manage some basic Italian when in Italy, but there was no way we could work out what was on the menu when it was written in German. So we had a bit of a problem!

Just behind the hotel was a Vietnamese Restaurant that looked reasonable, but best of all their menu was made up of pictures of all the dishes they served! We decided to eat there and at about 6 pm when we returned we found the small restaurant full. No problem, I would grab a couple of cans of beer, go back to our hotel room and we would get back to the restaurant about 7:30 when things had quietened down a little. We returned at 7:30 to find the restaurant was still packed, but just as we were about to leave, a table for four became available. We quickly took possession of it just as another Swiss couple entered the restaurant. We shared our table with them.

This turned in to one of the best nights of the trip. They spoke some English so we spent time chatting away and enjoying each other's company. From what had started out as a disastrous night, had turned in to one of the very best!

The next day we had opted out of the optional morning excursion to a typical Swiss Farm followed by a horse and buggy ride and used the time to sleep in. We were collected by the bus at about 9:30 am. Though the weather was overcast with a threat of drizzle, we were going to visit Mt Pilatus! We went up the mountain by cable car. The trip up took over 30 minutes and the temperature dropped as we climbed upwards. We reached the top and had a look around for over an hour. The cloudy weather meant there wasn't much to see. However on this peak we were higher than if we stood on the top of Australia's tallest mountain!

Our trip down was by cog-wheel railway! Again sensational scenery as we slipped quietly down to the station at the foot of the mountain through the mist and clouds.

While the rest of the group took an optional $100 per double 45 minute boat ride across Lake Lucerne (with drinks included) the bus dropped us back in Lucerne. We were going to use the afternoon to explore Lucerne fully! We walked across the Chapel Bridge - photo left -(recently restored after it had been damaged by fire) and into the city. Many of our gifts to be brought home were bought during this shopping experience. We caught up with some of our fellow tourists who were complaining about not having enough time to look around the city.

Like many places in Europe, these cities are set up for pedestrians, and Lucerne was no different! That night we had an included dinner at the hotel (this meant I did not have a beer with my meal because of the high charges hotels make for drinks!). We were leaving Switzerland tomorrow and driving to Paris.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Into Tuscany

One of the disadvantages of the way we were travelling, i.e. in a tour group, was that there just aren't enough days in the tour or hours in the day to do everything you want to do. The prospect of a day in Florence on our own was compelling, but the optional tour of Tuscany and Pisa was an opportunity we could not miss.

The weather was sensational as the bus headed into regional Italy and the area called Tuscany. It is a pretty part of Italy with rolling hills, vineyards and lovely green countryside. From time to time you pass an Italian village or vineyard, picture postcard perfect. We were heading for the tourist town of San Gimignano. San Gimignano was all but deserted at one time owing to disease when most of the inhabitants died or just moved away to escape death. The town has been reborn and is now a tourist attraction about 50k's from Florence. It is a listed UNESCO heritage town.

Because we had had an early start, we were given several hours to explore San Gimignano. A designated tourist town usually means high prices and plenty of souvenir stores to entice 'Euros' away from tourists. San Gimignano was not like that at all. Prices seemed as low as we had seen for knick knacks and food. This made the experience very pleasant. Narrow streets, cobblestone laneways and colorful shops ensured the visit to this little town was thoroughly enjoyable. Being situated atop a small mountain provided exquisite views over the surrounding countryside. It is a town dotted with towers which dominate the skyline.

The Towers of San Gimignano:

The View From the Hilltop:

Waiting for Tourist Shoppers to Finish:

After a light lunch we again boarded the bus to continue our day's exploring. The next stop was Pisa and the Leaning Tower. The glorious weather ensured we saw incredible views across the Tuscan landscape as we made our way to Pisa.

After walking by a myriad of souvenir stalls we found ourselves in the Field of Miracles and there before us was the famous Leaning Tower Of Pisa. There were tourists everywhere and again we had some time to explore on our own. Later we were to be joined by a tourist guide for an informative tour and explanation of the three buildings which make up The Leaning Tower of Pisa. In the foreground is the Baptistry in which people would be baptized as you had to be baptized to enter the middle building, the Cathedral! And in the background is the famous Leaning Tower Of Pisa.

When viewed closely, all three buildings have a lean one way or the other as the ground in Pisa is formerly marshland and is quite soft. This photo (left) gives a better idea of how far the tower is actually leaning. The leaning tower has been straightened and is now quite safe. It appears all movement has been stopped thanks to many many tons of concrete. The Cathedral has been built using stones from previous Roman buildings.

When Roman buildings had been demolished the stones were recycled in the construction of the Cathedral. Every now and again some of the stones would have Roman characters on them or would contrast enormously in colors to the stones beside them. Inside the cathedral was again quite beautiful .

Later in the afternoon we were again on the bus heading for an Italian Vineyard for our meal and try some Italian wines. Our meal was served under an outdoor shelter (see below) but the glorious weather ensured the setting was perfect. The meal was one of the better meals for our trip and everyone enjoyed their food. After travelling overseas I now understand how spoilt we are for fine wines here in Australia. These 'better' Italian wines though quite drinkable, were not as good as our AUD$8 bottle we readily buy here!

Another two bus groups joined us and ensured there was much frivolity and enjoyment during the meal. However, needing a reasonably long trip back to Florence and and early start the next day for Switzerland, we had to head back to our hotel early to ensure the driver had his required break. This meant leaving sooner rather than later which was disappointing!

After another day of highlights visiting Tuscany and Pisa, tomorrow were were heading to Switzerland where we would once again be in awe of the tremendous scenery this part of the world has to offer!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Rome had shown us The Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, The Spanish Steps, The Parthenon, The Forum, St Peter's Basilica, and The Sistine Chapel and we felt now we had seen it all. So we boarded our bus for Florence. Of all the city states, Florence had been one of the greatest and the home to people such as Leonardo Da Vinci. After leaving the Sistine Chapel in Rome mid morning, we arrived in Florence mid afternoon. We were given 90 minutes for a look around . Things to buy in Florence included leather! Leather items certainly attracted tourist type prices! The weather had fined up but there were some ominous black clouds to the west.

Our first walking tour after a quick walk around was Santa Croce Basilica. It was yet another Cathedral. We were awoken from our disinterest to be told this Cathedral housed the tombs of Galileo and Michelangelo (see left)! And we thought we had seen it all in Rome! Remember to click on the photos for a larger view, then hit "Back" to return to this page.

As storm clouds gathered we walked through the city to where we saw an exact copy of "David", a truly beautiful sculpture. The original was now housed in a safer environment to ensure this fine work of art does not deteriorate further! After taking our photographs we walked further along lane ways and through cobble stoned streets (above left). We passed yet another fine cathedral (see below) before having an included meal at a restaurant. We boarded our bus and then headed to our hotel for the night. This was possibly our worst hotel for the whole 6 weeks we were away!

The next day we were taking part in an 'optional' tour into Tuscany which proved to be yet another 'highlight'! The photo below is a panorama photo (4 single photos I have joined together) of Florence.

Friday, July 25, 2008

To Rome

We were on our way from Venice to Rome early in the morning, the bus had left well before us on the ferry while we travelled to the mainland by water taxi. We were on the bus and driving the 500k's to Rome by 7:30 am. It was showery on and off all the way. Again we opted out of an 'optional tour' upon our arrival in Rome (it was a walk through the city to visit The Spanish Steps, The Trevi Fountain, The Pantheon and Navona Square). We had been held up by a car accident on the highway so arrived a little late in Rome. This meant the optional tour was rushed. Trish and I were dropped off at Navona Square where we walked around before having an included meal at a local restaurant. It was great just soaking up the atmosphere. We later settled down to a Tartufo ice-cream for Trish and a beer for me. Total cost was about AUD$35! We discovered a gay Rights demonstration was to be held at the square later in the evening.

After completing our meal, the night was a scream with the demonstrators putting on a great show! I had problems finding an appropriate photo to slot in here!

We eventually got to our hotel about 9 pm. We were given a sleep in the next morning, not being required until about 11 am!

At 11 am on Sunday we went to the Vatican City and saw the Pope from St Peter's Square. We looked through St Peter's Basilica and were impressed but the sheer size of the building. Not only is it a huge building, the artworks inside are all by masters! You just wander from one masterpiece to the next! The weather remained a little showery and we were using our umbrellas on and off through the morning.

We grabbed a quick roll for lunch before boarding the bus again. After a spectacular morning we were now off to see the Colosseum. The weather had cleared up quite a lot. Again, just unbelievable. On the way we passed where the ancient Forum had been. It was possible to make out the shape of the track where hundreds of years ago chariots had raced. The Colosseum also 'blew us away'. The day had been marvellous and we had seen things we had only heard about!

While the remainder of the group went to an "optional dinner tour" Trish and I set out to have a look at the city of Rome on foot. We were in charge of our own 'destiny' so we did things at our own pace and we spent as much time as we wanted where we wanted.

We saw The Trevi Fountain:

The Spanish Steps:

The Pantheon:

We then found another small street restaurant where we enjoyed a pizza, a plate of pasta and a bottle of wine for our meal before walking back to the hotel's shuttle bus to get us back to our hotel before dark. We had had an outstanding day.

The next morning we went to the Sistine Chapel. Again it was an early start. Photos were not permitted. We saw Michelangelo's masterpiece, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Trish and I are not especially religious nor are we catholic, so some others in the group enjoyed this visit more than we did. Later that morning we again boarded the bus to head to Florence. We passed small towns nestled between the hills as we drove along!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Not Warm In Caloundra

Trish continues to enjoy her time in Melbourne nursing grandchildren, catching up with people and enjoying Asian food!

After some beautiful warm winter days, the weather has turned today to be wet, cold and miserable! Though the rain isn't heavy, it is continual. Check out the current temperature in the right column below the photo of the Pool in the section called "Now In Caloundra".

Then take a look at the 6 Webcam links in the section to the right "Caloundra Live Webcam Links"and you will get a real time view of the weather here at the moment! Click on "Back" to return to this page. And all this weather is forecast to continue the same tomorrow.

I have been a little lazy with my Blog entries lately but I have put quite a few pics of our visit to Venice in today's post. Our next stop was Rome and I am not sure how I can fit all of our Rome visit into one or two posts! There should be lots of photos.

A Day In Venice

We again woke to overcast damp skies. Today was a full day in Venice. After riding back to Venice on a Water Taxi the group arrived in St Mark's Square in Venice (see left). This is possibly the first place most tourists to Venice. At St Mark's square we saw St Mark's Basilica (see below). The square is surrounded by various sorts of shops and businesses. We viewed a Venetian Glass Blowing business and enjoyed a brief glass blowing demonstration and a tour around their sales department (see further below).

Remember to click on the photos for a larger view, then click on "Back" to return to this page.

St Mark's Basilica:

Glass For Sale:
We were then given a couple of hours to explore Venice. One of the first places we stumbled across was The Ferrari Shop.
Armed with just a simple city map we set off to explore even more. We had briefly seen the Rialto Bridge the night before so we now had more time to explore the shops around the bridge and do some souvenir shopping.

Rialto Bridge Shops:
Souvenir Shopping
Walking around Venice is something like being in a maze as the photo below shows. But we were never "lost". Throughout the exploring time there were some intermittent showers, mainly drizzle. Actually the weather was almost perfect for strolling around.

An included Gondola ride followed. We all arrived at the pier ready to hop on for our Gondola ride. We were quickly ushered onto gondolas and 'released' into the sea. A bit of a breeze was blowing and our gondola had two big guys on the same side so comfortable was not a word I would use to describe the early part of our experience. Once back into the canals it was very smooth and relaxing. Our gondola guy did not sing! We cruised quietly through quiet canals with the water lapping around buildings. It was an eerie feeling! We completed the trip with a lean to the right and tired muscles from hanging on.

That afternoon most of the group headed off for an optional tour of a Venetian handicrafts island for lunch and a look around. Left to our own devices, Trish and I visited St Mark's Square again and the Doge's Palace. The Doge was the ruler of the once City State of Venice. Cameras were not allowed to be used within the castle. It was amazing to view a magnificent building which once was the ruler's home. Attached to the palace (via the Bridge of Sighs) was the prison where Casanova was once imprisoned. Here photographs were permitted. It was incredible to wander around the cells and other areas and catch a glimpse of what life would have been like for prisoners and jailers.

Though not an 'included' tour, our visit to the Doge's palace was a highlight of our whole trip to UK and Europe, it was yet another time we were pleased to miss out on an expensive 'optional tour'. You wonder why this spot was not an automatic itinerary inclusion!

We caught a "Water Bus" back to our island 'Lido' and our hotel. Upon our arrival we had a good look around the shopping area and later found a great spot for our evening meal. That evening I enjoyed my first pizza in Italy! I don't know what they do to pizzas in Italy but they sure taste great! We both had a seafood pasta entree, again delicious!

Then it was back to our hotel to ready ourselves for the next stop on our tour, Rome!