Monday, January 29, 2007

The Searchers At The RSL

Sunday got off to an ordinary start when I had a tumble from the bike during my morning ride. Now that would have been a great photo for the blog page, me heading over the handlebars to land on some rough road!

Friends Det and Brenda from the Gold Coast arrived early in the afternoon and would spend the evening at our place . We were really good waiting till after 3 pm before enjoying the first cool ale! We were picked up by the RSL bus and taken to the club. Later other friends arrived and we had a meal and waited for the old 60's group The Searchers to appear.

They were absolutely fantastic, an evening of singing (we knew most of the words) dancing and drinking. They are a thoroughly professional act and really had the place hopping into the late evening. Everyone in our group thought they were fantastic.

After the show the 4 members of the band came out to sign autographs and sell CD's and give autographs. All the 'old groupies' from their 60's days hovered around for some reminder of the night!

We caught the free RSL bus home and got in about 12:30. All of us had had enough to drink! Monday was fairly quiet with King's Beach Tavern for lunch then the RSL again to try to beat those darn poker machines again!

Det and Brenda headed back to the Gold Coast late afternoon while Trish and I looked forward to a good night's sleep and an AFD on Tuesday!

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