Sunday, January 14, 2007

Not Much News I Am Afraid!

The Hibiscus plant has gone, replaced by a birdbath with holes drilled in the bottom to enable the water to drain from it. It will become a new plant box. There are many creepy crawlies here which love to attack plants and it appears the most attractive plant for attack is the Hibiscus! Our plant had terrible pimply looking leaves, new flower heads would drop off before they opened and lately it has been covered in 1 cm long grasshoppers. A kind of mosquito type bite caused the pimply leave and small black beetles would cause the flower heads to fall. It seemed the creepy crawlies thrived on whatever we sprayed on the plant. Problem solved, the Hibiscus has gone!

We have 27 forecast for today but just before midday it is pushing 30 with little wind. The N/E sea breeze should come in shortly. The pool temp is rapidly approaching 28 right now.

The pool looked inviting overnight!

Russell gets his new 4WD tomorrow and it won't be long till they are on the road with the new caravan in tow!

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