Monday, November 19, 2018

Yes, Still Alive & Kicking!

For me my 'work' with the Community Association for 2018 is all but over.  A couple more things to finalize and that will be it. Trish remains flat out with her Association duties and both of us are finding we are beginning to slow down a little needing a few days of R and R just catch up with things.

Our health isn't a hassle with both of us fairly fit and active.  I am splitting my daily exercise between walking and bike riding aiming where possible for either a 4K walk or a 13 or 14k bike ride.  I manage to get into the pool after the walk or ride.  The pool is great but with the bit of topsy-turvy weather up here switching between quite warm to lovely and mild every few days or so.

The pool was 24° this morning but a gorgeous 28° a few days earlier.  If you watched the cricket Saturday night you would have seen the row of that storms swept across SE Queensland.  We got almost 17mls in that lot and another couple of mls the next day along with a drop in temperature from 32° down to a cooler 24° the day after.

So what have we been doing with ourselves?  Trish is working on arranging a series of Markets for the Arts and Crafts Association and I have been playing with my new self bought Christmas present.  I enjoy having a second Android TV box to muck around with.  The one I had was a very basic box which sometimes would connect to the WiFi here at home or sometimes not.  Then there were apps which opened one day but not the next.  Reliable is the one word you wouldn't use to describe it.

Early last year Vodafone entered the android TV box market with their Vodafone TV.  It was priced at a little expensive $120 but was popular with public.  It was built for Australia so came with the right power plug and that sort of thing.  Vodafone promoted it along with their new broadband product they were introducing to the market.  Connect to Vodafone NBN and grab this box for $120 and we'll give a free 6 month subscription to Netflix sort of thing.

They then raised the price to $140 and it became a little too dear.  Suddenly they dropped the price to $72 and at that price it was a bargain.  So Merry Xmas Thommo, I bought one.  And I must say I reckon it is a pretty good item.  There seems to have been a rush on them at that price and there is plenty of chat around internet forums on them.

It is around 1/3 the price of my Nvidia Shield but works much better than that.  I would say around 75%, not as powerful as the Shield and a little slower.  But when up and running it is very similar.  And I can fully control it with my Logitech Smart Hub.

Our other main thought at this stage is around our upcoming trip to Manila, the Philippines and the wedding. We have now booked all of our accommodation which is great.  Trish booked under "Trish Thomas" but when the credit card had "Patricia Thomas" on it the hotel rejected it.  The odd email back and forth soon sorted that out.

The bride and groom are already over there getting ready and we arrive in Manila Thursday week.  It is a place we ordinarily wouldn't have thought of visiting so it should be a lot of fun, especially having people there we 'know' who are available to support us if needed.

You never know, the next blog post may be from the Philippines!

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