Thursday, June 07, 2018

Wet and Cold, Around 18°

Yes, that's right, the cold and wet weather of winter has arrived here on the Sunshine Coast.  Around 20mls overnight and then another 30 or so throughout today!  That's a couple of inches in the old days!

At last the sun is poking its head out and it seems the rain has gone.  Needless to say there wasn't any bike riding today.  As a matter of fact the bike is back to the shop for it's 2 month post sale service.  They adjust the brakes and the gears and ensure everything is OK.  Tomorrow Friday is a bottling day and the bike should be ready to pick up after lunch.

It has been a busy week as usual.  We did have a Public Meeting for the Community Association on Monday and usually a large post goes on our website the day after detailing all the news.  So that took time and there is a Newsletter I have to put together and hopefully that is now all done and out of the way.

Then it began to rain or cloud over on Wednesday.

You may know that I have a great time with my android TV box and I have developed quite some expertise with it.  I have an Nvidia Shield which is the most expensive of them all but also is the most powerful as well.

Unlike many Android boxes, the Nvidia Shield remote is via Bluetooth rather than Infra Red (IR) like 99% of electrical items with remote controls.  I have an Nvidia Shield Bluetooth controller to run it but I now need two remotes.  I do have an all in one remote control known as  Logitech Harmony ONE.  It is great but it is IR so it won't run my Nvidia Shield.

I press "Watch Foxtel" and the ONE turns on my TV, sets it to the correct input, then turns on my AV Receiver and sets it to the correct input and finally fires up our Foxtel Box.  All this happens with the push of a single button on the remote control.  Then to watch FTA TV I press "Watch TV", it turns the TV to the antenna input and runs my AV Receiver, again via the correct input.

As the Dick Smith Electrical Stores went into receivership a year or so ago they had heaps of sales.  I bought a Logitech Smart Control for $39 when I just saw one of these online at eBay for $199!

 It has sat in my cupboard for some time waiting for me to set it up.

During some of my surfing on the internet I read where the Smart Control was both IR and Bluetooth! And I can tell you that the Smart Control actually is Bluetooth as well as IR.  It took a few hours to set up but it is a very nifty device.

As with many things electrical, setting it up was not straight forward and required a little intemperate languge, some trial and error and patience.  I am not good at 'patience'.  But today's wet weather was perfect for trialling and erroring to my heart's content.

At first I focused on the Android Phone App to set it all up but later switched to the Windows PC App.  The latter is so much more sophisticated and really allows you into the nitty gritty of the device and allows you to overcome problems very powerfully.

The Arts centre where Trish is involved is conducting a huge "Fair" this weekend so she has been out almost every day organizing and getting things ready.

With both of us being so occupied this week, getting in some sleep hasn't been a problem.

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