Friday, May 11, 2018

And Now The Wind!

Much of SE Australia is in the grip of cold strong winds and plenty of rain.  The footy on telly tonight is forecast to be played in wet and windy conditions.  That strong wind is finding its way here to SE Queensland and is now making its way across the Sunshine Coast.

By the time the wind arrives here all the rainfall has gone and we are left with dry and cold windy weather.  But it is as clear as with gorgeous blue and sunny skies.  So find a spot out of the wind, sit back and relax and soak up the sunshine.

The first really cooler day is expected tomorrow though today is expected to be one of  the coolest we have had so far this season.  So it looks like wintertime is about to arrive.

But the photo above of me in the pool after a bike ride was taken yesterday, May 10th!  It was around 21° in the pool so the swim wasn't an extended one.  But here it is approaching mid May and I still get a swim in the pool.

I am guessing that swim will be the last for the season.  I switched the pool chlorinator over to "Winter Mode" late yesterday knowing the cool winds were on their way.

With the expected windy weather I decided to ride earlier than usual today.  The longer the ride went the stronger the winds from the south west became.  But I still managed over 17k's but stuck to the pathways with the most plant growth which helped protect me from the wind.  In the newer areas around here the plant growth is still young so it doesn't supply the same level of wind protection.

My next computer will be a laptop, something I can just pick up and take with me if we head south or go overseas.  I have heaps of stuff connected to the current PC such as hard disk drives, dongles which add wireless keyboards, Bluetooth and even cameras for Skype chats.

I know a laptop comes with much fewer USB ports so I have been watching out for good quality USB 3 powered hub.  If it is powered it means can more successfully run more USB ports at the same time.  So I grabbed an MBeat 7 port powered hub off eBay with 4 x USB3 Ports along with 3 x USB2 Ports.

It arrived yesterday so I set it all up.  Now one of my 4TB hard disk drives is very touchy and is not always 'recognized' by the PC.  If you get it running, you don't touch it.  Moving it or swapping a cable is usually enough for it to lose connection.  Yesterday I moved it once and it decided to stop working!

It took trying 3 different USB leads as well as 4 different USB 3 Ports and numerous examples of inappropriate language before it eventually worked again.  But we got there in the end.  The 4 powered USB 3 Ports all work great but I can't get a lick of life out of the USB 2 ports.  That is much less of a problem for me as I have ways around that.

The problem I am having right now is my current Desktop PC is running beautifully and doesn't skip a beat (touch wood).  It is 4 years old in September and still doing everything I want it to do.  And I am sure you believe me when I say the current PC does a fair bit of work!

But I will begin to keep my eyes open for an appropriate laptop replacement befor the end of the year.

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