Sunday, May 06, 2018

A Windy Sunday Morning!

I am just back from my morning bike ride and I managed around 16.5k's today despite the wind.  As with much of the east coast it is a little on the windy side here.  It is blowing off the sea from the south east which means there could be the odd shower or two.  These showers we are yet to seen however.

News continues just perfect and on the quiet side.  My computer keeps me occupied for a few hours most days and harvesting stuff to watch off the internet is the major task.  Many of the TV shows we watch don't come on free to air TV though if you are a Stan, Netflix or the like there would be some we rather enjoy available from there.

We have just watched a couple of series of "Suits", the TV series with Meghan Markle.  In the final episode of the last season she was written out as she has other interests at this stage named Prince Harry!

We went to our favorite little semi Vietnamese restaurant for lunch on Thursday.  By the time you total up the bill it works out at a similar price to the great cut price $7-50 roast lunch we enjoy at a local hotel.  Trouble is by the time you add a few drinks onto the price it is almost the same as the Vietnamese which is BYO.

Community Association business kept me busy on Thursday when we met with the Parks and Gardens Supervisor from Council along with his Contractor Co-ordinator.  We have concerns over how the new areas around us are being maintained.  Up until recently the developer has pulled out all stops to keep the area looking pristine.  Now this area has been fully developed.

The site has been handed over to Council to maintain and there has been an obvious fall off in attention the place is getting.  It will be a week or so until we see any change though after our onsite discussion as the work is programmed and carried out by contractors who are not due for the next rotation for a couple of weeks.

I have a couple of meetings next week as well as a Newsletter to get written up for printing.  Much is copy/paste from the website but as we have meetings next week these will need to be written up to the website and then across to the Newsletter.  All up it is around 4 hours or so to put it all together if everything goes to plan.  Experience shows things don't often go to plan!

I bottled my latest brew on Friday so stocks are again very high.

I am delighted with my footy team from Friday night especially after the disappointment of the week before.  Trish is smiling still as well.

The photo above was taken on today's bike ride.  We have numerous pathways similar to this around the area which makes cycling fun, safe and enjoyable.

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