Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Heat Is Back

The tropical heat has returned and not without some hassles.  Hot air from all up north has settled over much of Queensland giving us some very hot weather indeed.  I did manage 17km on the bike before 8am this morning and believe me, that won't happen again.  I reckon I didn't stop sweating till an hour after the ride.  And somewhere in there was a swim.

On a couple of nights we had had a weak thunderstorm which has dropped a few mls of rain, just enough to cool us down for a good night's sleep.  One night was an absolute stinker but the new air conditioner in the bedroom meant it didn't worry us one iota!

During this very hot spell the air con in the lounge goes on early afternoon.  We set it at 27° and arc the ceiling fan up.  It is super comfortable and despite being set so high, you can feel the cool right up the corridor to the front door!

Several Community association reps attended a Traffic Parking Forum on Monday and it was heavy work.  The mayor and all the Councillors were there along with other dignitaries.  I gave a 15 minute presentation on our Community Association's views and got out of it relatively unscathed.

I am out of practice for that sort of stuff and as my 72nd birthday is just a few days away I find age is beginning to catch up.  The air con was set so low we nearly froze our bits off!  Then when we left we hit low 30's and high 60's humidity.

On Tuesday I had to write the day up and put a post on the Community Association website.  Again, a couple of hours of pretty heavy work.  But I did get another brew on as well.

So today was bike ride day.  Believe me tomorrow will be much shorter than the 17ks I did today.  And the front lawn may get a mow as well!

I signed up for Foxtel again today, this time I am paying a little more per month but I have the deal for a year rather than just 3 months.  We get Foxtel, HD and the Sports package for $39, a special going for anyone at the moment.

The time says it is almost time for me to sort the BBQ for tea so I had better finish up for now.

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