Saturday, February 10, 2018

Quick Update

Our bout of gorgeous cooler weather is about to end.  Days have been around 30° but overnight has been down as low as 18°.  The cooler overnight temperatures sure has an impact on the pool.  One morning as I jumped in after a bike ride it was 24.9°.  I sure noted the cooler temperature.

But Sunday it is forecast all is to change with mid 30's on the way for much of the week.  It looks like that air conditioner was fitted just in time.

But the rest has been humdrum stuff.  The sparky has been back and we now have the two 'power circuits each on a safety switch of its own.  This means if something goes bung, we should still have power to one half of the house. Nowadays, all houses are setup like this evidently.

It has been a busy week for me with the Newsletter but it is all done and dusted now and ready to print off.

I have computer club this morning and a Forum on street parking to get to on Monday.  Somewhere along the line, probably Monday, another brew will go on!

More Kodi setups were attended to this week with very happy customers at the finish of it all.

We are seeking quotes and ideas to cover the lounge 2.4.x 2.1 window.  Possibly consider shutters at this stage.

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