Thursday, December 07, 2017

Now To Get Packed .... again!

It is just on exactly 1 week since our return from Malaysia and Sri Lanka, and for the second time in a month, we are in 'getting packed' mode, this time for our Christmas trip to Melbourne.

Already the medications have been sorted, the computer stuff is all in hand along with the hard drives to share.

The Waeco ( a portable fridge) has been tidied prior to being loaded up this evening in preparation for a 9am Friday set off towards our first port of call Newcastle.  Our ETA in Newcastle is around 1pm Saturday afternoon!

Having some clothes already at my daughter's place in Melbourne makes packing a little easier.  I will need to pack socks though.  At this time of the year Melbourne is pretty well the only place I would wear socks!

I must pack my MCC membership card as well.

Since being home from overseas it has been resting and recovering from the Asia trip, a couple of small things for the Community Association, and tasks such as mowing lawns and just getting the place ready for another 3 weeks away.

Home will be a pretty good place in around 3 week's time I reckon!

Drinks at our place for Saturday didn't happen, washed out with some very heavy rain.  But we did eventually catch up with most people on Wednesday night even though it didn't go fully to plan.  The 5pm pick up by the Club's Bus didn't arrive until well after 6pm.  By that stage we had cancelled and headed off to the local Bellvista Tavern with friends.

It was a good night and was a glorious walk home around 9pm in the warm sub tropical evening.

As the photo above shows, getting back to our own home and backyard is something we will look forward to by the New Year.  But with all that I must say it will be great to catch up with family and friends 'down south'.

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