Friday, December 01, 2017

Loooong Day Thursday

Our earlier Air-Asia flight was due to leave Penang Airport around 1:40 pm on Wednesday.  It was a little too early, but then, when you are looking for the least expensive flight, you can always manage a fairly early departure and it was all OK by us.

Overall travelling with the budget Airline Air-Asia was pretty good.  Our plane was 30 minutes late leaving for Sri Lanka from KL and we had that one hour delay from KL to Penang.  We had been reasonably lucky so we felt ensuring we were in KL with plenty of time to spare for our Australia connection home was a good move.

As it turned out our new 1:40pm flight to KL was an hour late taking off while the flight we had originally booked, left at around 4:55pm, 10 minutes late but got into KL 10 minutes early.  So we would have been OK.

The Air-Asia airline was fine.  Trish did the booking for the Penang/KL leg on her tablet using the hotel's WiFi.  When we arrived at Penang Airport and its sh*t WiFi, of course she couldn't load the boarding documentation to show for check-in.  But thankfully she had written down the Booking Number.  The young Air-Asia guy told us not to worry and he walked over to the check-in kiosk and got all our information, boarding passes and baggage labels for us.

Then we had the one hour delay to wait out.

But it all worked out perfectly.  We had oodles of time in KL, managed to check in for the Australia flight early and then found a comfortable spot to await our departure.  The final meal of Char Koay Teow and Ipoh Seafood Hor Fun at KL International Airport were great ways for us to say farewell to Malaysia.

We endured the 8 hour 30 minute flight home before arriving at Coolangatta International Airport.  The only thing with an International quality at the airport was the name.  What a tin-pot dive that airport is!

We got through all the steps, immigration, baggage collection and customs not without the odd drama but we got there.  The 20 minute wait for our 'Transfer" transportation from the Airport to the Car Storage place didn't excite us but eventually we were on our way home in the little blue Honda.

We were home well before lunch and had unpacked and got ourselves sorted before catching up on internet, mail, paperwork and the like.

I slept for well over 8 hours while Trish was nearer to 10 hours all up.  Today was a clothes washing and catch-up sort of a day.  The computer wanted to do huge updates, I put a home brew on and did some general unlocking and tidying up.

I did collect my new Hearing Aid for my 'good' left ear this afternoon and boy what a difference that makes.

I suspect another good night's sleep is in order for tonight before my last Computer Club day for 2017.  The second Cricket Test vs England gets underway tomorrow afternoon.  Next week we head south to Melbourne for Christmas.

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