Friday, December 02, 2016

Storm Wrap Up

The storm I featured in the last blog entry eventually just gave us a little nudge, a few flurries of wind, enough rain to wet everything and then moved on its way.

However the one we got about 90 minutes later swept in with stronger winds and 10mls of rain.  So the pool was topped up, the lawns and gardens got a drink!  It did take a good 20 minutes or so to give the pool a good clean up this morning with some leaves, twigs, and heaps of fine red dust needing to be tidied up.

There was some hail but around marble size only and not enough to do any damage.

Not that it worried us as we had been invited to the local Real Estate Agents Xmas do at the local Tavern.  Enough to drink and heaps of nibblies.  If you wanted something you just asked for it and in it came.  The photo above shows where the function was on!

With plenty of storms around we wisely parked in the underground car park.

We were invited as senior office bearers of the Community Association which has supported this agency quite a lot as the only real "local" real estate agent.  We knew quite a few people who were there so it was a good night.  The storm was only a brief interruption to a great night.

We have "Friday Drinks" again later this afternoon, all within walking distance so all good!  there is a less of a possibility of storms today but it will get well into the 30's. 

The newly cleaned pool will be a great option I suspect!

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