Sunday, April 24, 2016

In Perth

It was an early start on Friday, around 4:30 am actually.  Friends drove us to Brisbane Airport getting us there well before we were due to take off.  Self check in was a bit of fun but despite the odd hassle we did so successfully.  After almost 5 hours of flight time we arrived in Perth where we were met by Jay and Kim.

Everything here is so handy. Kim lives 5 Stations from Perth on the train, a concession ticket is $1-20 and with the station 5 minutes walk away from her unit in a nearby gated community everything is so easy to get to.

We have a hire car so after a big (alcohol wise) Friday we drove to Fremantle and the weekend markets there. We had a good walk around in the lovely sunshine.  Things seem less crowded here and it does have that big country town feel to it.

It is easy to see why people like it here.

Last night we did the train thing and headed into Perth and a Malaysian restaurant Kim had spotted.   There was nothing wrong with the food, especially the lobak which has was to die for. The train ride was quite keen and pleasant, the food great.

Today it is back into Perth again to check out some of the sights.

When Kate went overseas Kim inherited the cat. Now she has moved to Perth the cat has come with her. Kabuki the cat was always quite tentative and is still that way now. She has settled well and seems to know who we are.

I think she enjoys having some more familiar places around her.

We head to Margaret River for 3 nights tomorrow but have a day out and about today.

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