Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Quick Update

Looks like bike riding will be on the back burner this morning as we have awoken to some wet weather.  Today is a public holiday as well for Australia Day so the local businesses looking for day visitors or holiday makers won't be pleased

A quick look at the weather radar on the computer shows a very small blob of blue right where where we are, everywhere else is clear.  It looks like the rain is forming along the coast leaving most other places missing out.

Usually it is the other way round, it looks like we are getting wet according to the radar but outside it is as dry as a bone!

Despite the negligible dot just to the south of Caloundra on the radar map (see left) we have been getting a steady downpour for around an hour now.  Rainfall readings are not huge but the pool is just about full again which will save me a top up from our home supplies today.

Bike riding will be off the agenda as well I guess.

It has been hot and steamy the last few days though, low 30's and a humidity around 70% but quite often it is cloudy overhead.

News remains minimal.  There is still plenty of sport on TV for me so I manage to prop under the fan in the lounge watching sport on TV or I jump into the pool but under the umbrella for shade.

Trish got caught up in Arts Centre affairs yesterday while my Community Association stuff begins in earnest next week.

The top photo shows the overcast skies and the pool level just about full.

You can't see the smile on the faces of flowers in pots dotted around the backyard but rest assured they are happy with the wet weather as well.

Being a showery morning, when the rain clears and the sun reappears we can expect another hot and steamy day.

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