Saturday, December 12, 2015

Hot and Windy

We are at a lovely cool end to what has been quite a hot week.  Mid 30's in our little backyard has been the order of the day with balmy overnight meaning the ceiling fans have been put to work as we sleep.

The wind has been blowing quite strongly from the north west again giving us hot temperatures and we have been invaded by falling leaves from the neighbour's plants.

Having the air conditioner up and running again has been great.  It only goes on 27° but under a ceiling fan it feels great.

I have bike ridden for a the first couple of days but since then bottle washing and bottling have taken up two mornings, while building has taken up the third.  We have extended the feature wall across the western fence at the top end of the pool as the photo above shows.

The photo lower down is what it used to look like. Click on the photos for a larger view.

Doing this work at my age in quite hot and oppressive conditions hasn't done my well being any good.

In between has been the usual attending the odd meeting, updating web sites and chatting with various officials on goings on around the area.

Really Christmas can't come quickly enough for me.  We had another Skype chat with Kate in Saudi yesterday.  She bought two 'Kindles' at ridiculously low prices along with covers and delivery to her parents in law home.  Used her Australian Credit card to pay for it only to discover later the payment had been refused as the credit card company saw the purchase had been made from overseas.

They know she lives there, they have it as a mailing address, all too frustrating.

One of her first tasks when back in Melbourne for Christmas next week is to arrange a credit card from a bank in Melbourne.  The email saying there was a problem with the payment had gone to her spam folder and she missed it.

We have cooling showers right now giving everything a well needed drink of water.  The lawn and garden are both in need of a water.  I did top the pool up from the tap mid week but it too is getting topped up again right now.

The cricket test match on TV isn't that exciting with the opposition team being very weak so the traffic is all one way.

We have the final Computer Club meeting this morning and we finish with a spread of food.  Should be good.

We head to Melbourne on Tuesday by car.  The Waeco should be back and fixed by Monday afternoon .... we hope.

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