Friday, August 15, 2008

Still Cool Weather

The temperature this morning was a little warmer with the minimum temp in high single figures as SE Queensland heads further into one of the coldest Augusts on record. This morning we had a gusty wind blowing from the southwest. The photo was taken from within our protected backyard and shows the palms next door caught in the breezy conditions. However we are still only expecting a cool 20 degrees for today! Humidity is about 35% when we would usually expect more like 65%.

We haven't had any rain for almost three weeks.

But one thing which is pretty hot is the improved broadband speed which came on this morning. I am now on a 1500 speed plan which has increased my internet access speed by three! I used to be able to download a 700mb movie in 3 hours 45 minutes. I can now download the same movie in an hour and a quarter.

Our former neighbour (Rainy) from when we lived in Melbourne is visiting us for a week and arrives tomorrow. We have suggested she bring her warm nightie with her because it is so cold. However the cold wind is coming via Victoria so whatever it is, it will be better than what she has been experiencing at home.

My good mate Eddie is in a Melbourne hospital having a cancerous kidney removed. He went in yesterday for the procedure. Our thoughts are with him and his family. Eddie was a principal I worked for when I was teaching. Today they don't run schools like Eddie ran his school 20 years ago. It was a great place to work.

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