Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday News Catchup

Things have continued steadily within the Thomas household the last few days. Gone are the chilly brisk mornings as we head into spring. They have been replaced with quite cool mornings with temps around 10 degrees. We still tend to wait till before 9 am to head off for the daily bike ride just to ensure we don't freeze. We also need to see if there is a cold s/w breeze blowing, that can put icicles on your bicycle! Days have usually been 20 or low 20's.

On Monday I went around to a the home of a guy I have met through the Computer Club. We are both into downloading movies and don't mind using the occasional 'software' which we seem to have on continual 'trial'. He had just bought a new PC so he was busy setting it up. We got his home network going which makes copying the files from one PC to the other a lot easier.

I have loaned him an older model Harmony Remote Control and we spent some time setting it up too. It was a lot of fun and got me out of the house. Tuesday was dentist day but just for an X-ray to ensure all the work I had done earlier in the year had gone OK.

Today has been busy with bottling another brew. When the job is finished I need to clean up carefully and ensure the equipment is dry. With today getting to about 24 degrees, it should be easy enough to get it dry!

We head down to Melbourne early in September, mainly for me to get to the AFL Footy Finals. The Grand Final is always hard to get seats, and for us MCG Members they go on a on the day first come first served basis. In the past I have been known to leave home in Melbourne about 4 am to line up to get a good seat for the Grand Final which starts at 2:30 pm. I am a bit old for that nowadays!

The MCG has a ballot for some seats too, you pay $25 and your name goes into the barrel for a reserved seat which are not necessarily in the 'prime' area. As we are coming from some way away (i.e. interstate) I decided to put my name in the ballot as a 'backup'. I was successful in my ballot application and I have been allocated a seat 5 rows from the front on the second level (N40), in front of the MCC Members Dining Room. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would give this seat a rating of 8! Needless to say I am quite pleased. Click on the picture for a larger view and see if you can find Section N40.

It was announced yesterday that budget airline Tiger Airways would extend its 3 flights per week to Melbourne from the Sunshine Coast to a daily service.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

It Has been A While

Rainy has just left to head to the Sunshine Coast Airport to make her way back to Melbourne. When she arrives back in Melbourne she will be collected from Tullamarine airport by her daughter Tamara and the pair of them are heading to Telstra Dome to watch the Swans play Collingwood tonight.

We have had a busy week. Trish has been the real busy one taking Rainy to Australia Zoo, to Maroochydore and Mooloolaba, the local RSL (that was a big night!) as well as into the 'Hinterland" to visit Maleny and Montville. We had meals in Mooloolaba and Golden Beach Tavern. Afternoon nibblies and drinks was another major feature of the week which brought Trish 'undone' a little overnight. She is enjoying an AFD* today!

But it has been good fun!

The other day the ladies travelled into Caloundra and had some of our overseas photos developed. Then they came back home and put them into frames, like this to the left. This constantly reminds us of our trip!

A couple of the pics needed lightening off a bit but that has been done with pleasing effect.

Our weather continues to be cool. Today a nasty S/W is blowing keeping temps to about 20. Yesterday was a glorious day and it got to about 25 degrees. I wonder if it was this warm weather which made the girls so thirsty yesterday?

* AFD = Alcohol Free Day.

Monday, August 18, 2008

An Overcast Monday

Our former neighbour (Rainy) from when we lived in Melbourne flew in Saturday afternoon to spend a week with us. Rainy enjoys a drink and we all grabbed a few headache tablets Sunday morning.

The ladies 'did' the Sunday market yesterday and today they are 'doing' the main street of Caloundra. I think Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo is on the agenda for tomorrow after we get to the Caloundra RSL later this evening. The RSL has recently been renovated and is a great spot to take guests for a night out. I 'borrowed' these photos of the 'new' RSL from their web page. The photo on the left is of the new Function Room while the photo below is a panorama shot of the upgraded dining room area. You will need to click on thhe photo below for a reasonable view.

Quite overcast today but the sunshine is due back later this afternoon. It is still only going to get to 20 but at least it was warmer with a mild 10 degrees overnight.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Still Cool Weather

The temperature this morning was a little warmer with the minimum temp in high single figures as SE Queensland heads further into one of the coldest Augusts on record. This morning we had a gusty wind blowing from the southwest. The photo was taken from within our protected backyard and shows the palms next door caught in the breezy conditions. However we are still only expecting a cool 20 degrees for today! Humidity is about 35% when we would usually expect more like 65%.

We haven't had any rain for almost three weeks.

But one thing which is pretty hot is the improved broadband speed which came on this morning. I am now on a 1500 speed plan which has increased my internet access speed by three! I used to be able to download a 700mb movie in 3 hours 45 minutes. I can now download the same movie in an hour and a quarter.

Our former neighbour (Rainy) from when we lived in Melbourne is visiting us for a week and arrives tomorrow. We have suggested she bring her warm nightie with her because it is so cold. However the cold wind is coming via Victoria so whatever it is, it will be better than what she has been experiencing at home.

My good mate Eddie is in a Melbourne hospital having a cancerous kidney removed. He went in yesterday for the procedure. Our thoughts are with him and his family. Eddie was a principal I worked for when I was teaching. Today they don't run schools like Eddie ran his school 20 years ago. It was a great place to work.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pictures Do Lie!

The photo to the left was taken this morning while I was taking a bike ride. It looks idyllic for this time of the year. It doesn't show the icy wind that was blowing at the time and the temp would have been in the low teens. Still it was warmer this morning with about 7 degrees than yesterday with about 3. It struggled to get to 17 yesterday and houses in this part of the world are just not built for this sort of weather. A day or so of cool weather is OK but it has been cold overnight for the last fortnight. We should be getting overnight temps around 11 or 12 and daytime it should get to the low 20's as we head towards September.

But everyone down south in Melbourne would love the current weather here as there it has been very cold and wet. There has been snow on the mountains close to the city! But they sure need the rain in that part of Australia.

My Internet Service Provider (Netspace) has just revamped its plans. Unlike in the USA where Lou Ann gets unlimited 1500 Broadband fo US$20 per month, internet access prices here in Australia are extremely expensive comparatively.

I was on a 512 speed plan with 30GB per month limit at AUD$50 per month. For another $10 I am now going to be getting the same monthly limit but with 1500 speed. It should be connected sometime today or tomorrow.

At 512 we noticed that online video streams (eg ) cannot be watched without being extremely jerky. Also we needed to be a little careful when making a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone call. Voip calls use the internet connection rather than the telephone connection. As we are not using a major carrier (Telstra or Optus) for phone calls, these Voip phone calls are very inexpensive. However if the internet is busy, the Voip call doesn't work as well. With the extra bandwidth a 1500 speed connection provides, these calls should now work even better.

And of course I can download movies more quickly. Instead of taking over 3 hours (almost 4 hours) for a movie, it should now take about 90 minutes.

Speaking of which, we watched a movie the other night called "Stuck". If you like thrillers, this one is a must see. However the ending is not for the faint hearted!

Monday, August 11, 2008


The Olympics are on TV so much of the day is spent stuck in front of 'the box'.

Not much news except, like much of the rest of Australia, the weather is cold! We have great sunny days, clear and no cloud but we do have a cold south westerly wind blowing from southern parts of Australia over the land (and drying out) until it arrives here in southern Queensland. Mornings are usually less than 5 degrees and the afternoon gets to anything from 18 to 22 degrees.

We are on an 18 degree max day today! Everything is crystal clear with low humidity levels, we can see Moreton Island like it is just next door and even all the way down to Mt Cootha, just behind Brisbane about 80 kilometres away!

Ah well, another final on the TV so back to the Olympic Games.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Google Street View

Google Street View has been the talk of the place on the radio, TV etc the last day or so!

Here are some screenshots of places I have spotted!

This one is from Sweetwater in Texas! (it isn't Google Street view!)

Kate's Place:

Kim's Place:

Chris' Place (it is up the hill and to the right!)

Russ' Place:

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

It Is Amazing!

If you go back to the Archives and check the post on Lucerne you will see an interesting "Comment" there from someone who was "Googling" Swiss Restaurant and Sunshine Coast. The lady 'accidentally' came across my blog page and was interested enough to read that post!

It is a small world isn't it?

Another interesting development can be found by visiting Google Maps and see that "Street View" is now available for Australia! When we checked out our daughter's home address using Street View, she can be seen backing out of her driveway.

Some Thoughts On Our Trip To UK Ireland and Europe

It is just on six weeks now since we returned from our trip.

Places we would go back to: Italy Switzerland, Paris and London. We wouldn't bother about places like Prague having been there.

My Best Thing: A line ball between The Tower of London and Bath. Very hard to do when you think of all the places we went to.

Would we do another Bus Tour? Yes, It was a great way to see a lot of things in a fairly short period of time!

Travel With Insight Tours Again? Definitely yes! Accommodation generally was very good indeed, food was quite good as well. Bus accommodation was excellent, great tour directors and bus drivers.

It seemed that the extra money it cost to travel with Insight was well worth it. Also to travel with Air Brunei in their 'cheaper' Business Class was a great idea. My touchy back was absolutely great throughout all the bus and air travel and was hardly a problem!

Am I Pleased I have Finished The Blog Coverage Of Our Trip! Yes, very much, it was becoming a bit of a chore!

Monday, August 04, 2008

Back To London

The last day of our Europe Trip was lost in the knowledge this fantastic experience would soon be over. The bus rushed to Calais from Paris to catch the ferry. We travelled though such fabled areas as The Somme and other names etched in memories from WWI. The countryside was green rolling farmland with wild poppies growing. It was quite moving.

We arrived at Calais in time to catch an earlier ferry which would ensure we were back in London by mid afternoon. For us this was perfect! Our last major chore was all the last minute shopping to be done. As soon as we had booked back in to our London Hotel Trish made a dash for Harrod's for last minute shopping. I went to the supermarket for 'supplies'.

This now meant our last full day in London was virtually free, and we had a Bus About ticket to use. Our previous time in London had been a bank Holiday weekend with terrible weather. This time we struck a visit by George Bush and many of London's streets were closed causing the Bus About tour to go off on a tangent! Again we passed "The Eye". We hopped off the bus to visit Covent Garden (see below) and hopped back on again to get to Oxford St. Again for some last minute shopping!

Another highlight was to actually cross The Tower Bridge.

Because of road closures we saw some spots several times. Our tour guide for the Europe Trip had advised us to spend some time looking at the War Cabinet Rooms which had been the nerve centre for Britain's World War II effort. It was extremely well set up with all sorts of actual items from those times. Some rooms had been left as they were, only a couple of mannequins had been added to make them more life like (see below).

We were quite exhausted by the time we got back to our hotel. We were being collected by 6 am the next morning for our transfer to Heathrow to catch our plane which left at about 10 am. We had our evening meal at a Pub near the hotel. This turned out to be a bit unpleasant as a couple of older English guys (both of whom had been to Australia a couple of times and loved it) had had much too much to drink and made our time a little unfortunate. They had meant no harm!

Needless to say we managed the 6:00 am departure from the hotel and endured the next almost 30 hours until we arrived in Brisbane at about 8 pm the next day! Our body clock however was saying it was about 10 am! We hired a car and arrived back home, safe and sound about 10 pm!

So ended an incredible 6 week tour of UK, Ireland and Europe!

Friday, August 01, 2008

To Paris

It was a long day in the bus as we sped through the Swiss and then French countryside. The weather was about 18 or so. The scenery from Lucerne to the French border was nowhere near as spectacular as we had seen as we entered Switzerland. France was nearly all rolling plains, nothing mountainous, just kilometre after kilometre of rolling hills, farms and the occasional castle.

We arrived in Paris late in the afternoon and went straight to our hotel which was about 4 kilometres from the city centre. The hotel looked grand and the room was quite comfortable. But we were given plastic disposable cups to drink from and the very minimum of 'extras', quite disappointing as the tour director told us it would be great. We were in Paris so that really did not matter! After a minimum of time to settle in, we were back on the bus again for a quick look around. The bus dropped us at the Arc de Triomphe. We were given about enough time for a quick explore and to buy ourselves our evening meal!

We walked down the Champs Elysee with eyes bulging. Restaurants and exclusive stores with people bustling back and forth. Restaurants intruded onto the streets (this we later discovered was the restaurants section for smokers). After a 20 minute walk around we decided upon a restaurant and went in and were taken to our table. I had a cool beer (AUD$19+) and we each had a main course. Most of us had Beef Burgundy which, though extremely rich, was melt in your mouth quality! It was a great experience.

We headed back to the bus and then down to the River Seine for a river cruise. There was a bit of a chill in the air.

On the cruise we passed gorgeous buildings:

Notre Dame:

Paris' Statue Of Liberty facing towards the east toward the more famous one:

The Eiffel Tower:

This photo of the Eiffel Tower below was taken later at night just as the lights had come on:

We climbed into our beds after a very long day, but we had more to see and experience tomorrow!

Our hotel breakfast matched the quality of our plastic cups! Most believed the breakfast was disposable too! Back on the bus for a guided bus tour of the city. We passed restaurants where famous writers always ate, Hemingway and others. We saw the spot where Princess Dianna had died, we saw the hotel the ill fated trip left from and we saw many interesting 'areas' of the French capital city.

Our first stop was to climb the Eiffel Tower. Being a bus tour, we had preferential treatment and the group went straight to the near the head of the queue. It is a grand structure and the view from the mid level landing was quite spectacular (see below). Again we were left to our own devices to spend time as we wanted at the Tower. I am not keen on heights so after having a good look around it I decided to get my feet back on the ground. Near one of the Tower's legs was a bicycle which had been parked by its owner and on the bike was a knapsack. Police investigated the bike and quickly confiscated it and carried it right out of the area. You never know what might have been in that knapsack!

Back on the bus again and next stop was Napoleon's Tomb. The French revere Napoleon as one of their greatest ever leaders. His body is 'buried' within 6 coffins! It makes me wonder how a man like Napoleon, who had caused the death of many, many Frenchmen, not to forget the hundreds of thousands of others he killed in cause of trying conquer all of Europe, is revered the way he is. The man was a war monger, yet here in France he is seen as a hero! I guess we have different values. But as I have said before, it seems people all over Europe have been killing each other for over 2000 years now!

Next stop was the Louvre. We were going to have less than two hours to visit a place which should take several days to explore properly. Again there were many famous paintings of Europeans killing each other. However it was interesting to have a guide who pointed out some of the stories which went with the paintings. Remember to click on the photos for a larger view, then click on "Back" to return to this page!

The Mona Lisa:

Venus de Milo:

There was an AUD$500 per couple optional tour that evening (a show similar to the Follies Bergere) which we opted out of and those people were going back to the hotel to prepare for the big night out. Trish and I were left to our own devices so we decided to stay in Paris for a bit more of a look around and we would make our own way back to our hotel later on the Paris Metro. We enjoyed a cool drink at a restaurant as we made our way up to one of Paris' largest department stores (Les Galeries Lafayette) for a look around. As you can see from the photo below, it is an impressive Department Store! On the way we saw The Paris Opera House (see above left).

We travelled back to our hotel on the Paris Underground, (an experience in itself) and spent some time exploring around our hotel. Right next door was a huge water sports centre with some shops. It was here we enjoyed our evening meal.

The next day would bring our tour of Europe to an end. Trish and I would still have a full day in London before boarding the plane to fly home.