Friday, January 23, 2015


It has now been almost 48 hours since Chris, Wendy and family headed back home to Melbourne.  Things here couldn't be any more different.  The misty photo right shows what we have awoken to this morning, a cool and very wet day is in store for us.  Already I have tipped 39mls (an inch and a half) from the rain gauge and it is teeming down again now as I type.

Yesterday Trish was busy washing sheets and towels and putting things 'back' again. Despite a few rain showers, most of the washing is pretty dry.   But we did have a great time with the family up here and we hope they enjoyed themselves too.

I have turned off the water harvesting from the house roof to the pool!  The pool is quite full at the moment and the harvested water is just being fed back into the pool and then from the pool overflow back into the storm water system and out into the street.  I have now removed the pool overflow plug which 'manages' excess water without flushing it out of the pool.  This plug is currently fully removed and assisting the excess water in the pool to drain away.

Ants have been on the move and the 'anti-ant spray' has been in full use.

I have worked out a temporary fix for my home wireless network.  After a while the home wireless network 'loses contact' with the printer and the media player.  The computers can always 'see each other', but other periphery devices tend to drop off.

So if Trish wants to print from her laptop via the wireless networked printer there are times when it just doesn't work because the printer has disappeared from the network.  It is still 'there', it is just that the modem/router can no longer 'see' it.

To get the printer or the media player back on the network usually I just restart the device and after a minute or so it reappears on the network and can be used.  Another way to fix things is to restart the old Billion modem/router I am using while a replacement for my newer but not working properly TP-Link modem/router is being processed.

I have set up this 'switch' between an extension lead and the old Billion modem/router power pack and I have placed it within easy reach of my keyboard.  Every now and again I flick the red switch off, wait 10 seconds and then switch it back on again. Within a minute or so the Billion has been restarted, the network and all its devices re established and everything is up and running again!

Things may stay that way for several hours before they slip away again.  I quick flick of the switch off and back on gets all sections of the network available again.

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