Wednesday, July 30, 2014


P-Day, "Packing Day" has arrived and the place is going crazy.  The big winners will most likely be the local Salvation Army as heaps of stuff is being tossed out.  Mostly it is kids' clothes which isn't worth storing as the clothes won't fit when they return in two year's time.

And it appears the cat, which went to our daughter's unit in St Kilda, is beginning to become accustomed to its new home.  It took quite a few hours before it appeared out of its carry case but more recent photos show it is beginning to find its way about.  It won't belong before it is sleeping on someone's bed!

The two professional  packers are here and are older ladies who appear to have done this job many many times before.  The biggest hassle they have is writing "Bartholomeusz" on each of the boxes.  That seems quite a challenge at this stage!

The dinner dishes etc will be packed as well so an old store of plastic plates, cups, knives and forks is being put to use.

The bins, rubbish and recycling will be over full!

There are boxes everywhere and the constant sound of tape for the sealing of boxes can be heard in the background!  We still have the fridge to empty but I guess that will occur later in the day.

The photo (left) shows our stuff which has been plonked on one of the beds, well away from anything which is to be packed.  We wouldn't want any of our stuff to finish up in storage for a couple of years.

Last night we enjoyed a lovely evening around with Keith and June Damon.  We get on very well with them and they are being extremely generous in storing the kid's car for them while they are overseas for two years.  Not only was the company great but the meal was delightful as well.  We were able to assist June with Skype on her iPad and she spoke with a grand daughter in London when it was all set up.

They were amazed it was all possible at no cost!

My job today is to keep out of the way!  After running a school to now be told to go in there and do something on your computer is a big come down!  But I will get over it.

Tonight it is a meal with good friends, Pat and Graeme then back to the kids' home for our last night with them. It is R-Day tomorrow, the removalists come in to empty the house!  Then comes the house "cleanup".  The kids will spend their last two nights with Arj's parents before fly out time at 10:40 Saturday night.  We will spend a night with good friends Patsy and Eddie and then on Friday we will move and stay a couple of nights with Kim before we set of for Caloundra Sunday morning with the two cars.

I am not sure when I will have internet access again so the next blog entry may not be until we get back to Caloundra on Tuesday August 5th.  Kim does have wifi but there may not be an opportunity to get online.

There is usually free wifi at motels nowadays so I may get a quick entry in while we are driving home.

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