Thursday, May 08, 2014

It's All Changed!

All good things must come to an end! And so it is with my blog page.  Eventually things much catch up with the latest and that is what has happened here!

I have been doing heaps of work on updating my website on how I download my movies and TV Shows. As I have learnt more I now get my stuff totally differently.  Instead of repeatedly telling people what I do it is just as easy (and a heap of fun) to create a website, especially when you can do it for no charge.

So the whole Movies How To has been rejigged and updated.  Click HERE.

When I originally did the website many many years ago it didn't cost me anything.  The web address was free and even putting all the stuff online was free as well.  Nowadays it isn't free, you have to at least pay for the web address name.  

By including 50webs in the address the 50webs company got free advertising.

Anyway you can't do that nowadays and not be charged something.

So I was hunting around for a free alternative way of getting Movies How To online with another 'free' site. Eventually I found that Blogger has been updated quite a bit and that you can now add various things like adjust the column width, add pages and a whole lot of other neat stuff as well.

So I now have a 'copy' of the "Media How To" website on Blogger.  The address of the new 'Blogger' version is

It is so easy to widen columns, remove bits of the blogger format you don't want, have various color backgrounds and make changes.

So I thought I would try this "News From The Sunshine Coast" blog out in the new format as well  

I got into the rejigging bit of Blogger and discovered the 'old format' was unable to do much of the new good stuff.  So I thought I would try a new 'template' and see how it went.  It looked OK but I thought better and went to revert it 'back' to the original template.

Well of course it wouldn't revert back to the 'old' format would it! 

So we now have a new template.  The new template/look allows me to use the space on the web page better but there are a few other hassles I will still need to work out.  Mainly 'print size' appears the biggest drama but there will be a setting somewhere I am sure.

We enjoyed drinks Wednesday afternoon this week as one couple can't make Friday and Trish and Kerrie are off to a show in Brisbane tonight (Thurs).

We will pop out somewhere for lunch today as well.  That will make having an evening meal easier for both Trish and myself.

I continue to bike ride most mornings but swimming is now over for this season.  Several well below 10 degree mornings have put a stop to that!  A bit of drizzle this morning left the roads and pathways too wet so that gave me time to get this post done!

I hope you like the new format! Oh and by the way, I found the print size setting and sorted it out!

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