Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thursday's News

Things have been busy since my last post. I have completed yet another bottling and my reserves of beer are getting back to where they should be following John and Barry's visit several weeks ago. The hot weather up here hasn't helped my supplies either! This is not my best photo either!

I continue to ride most mornings clocking up at least 10k's per trip. This is always followed with a swim. Now the Magpie swooping season is over I can move into some other areas again. One of my favorite spots to go to is Little Mountain Common. At about 7 am half the area is covered in shade makes makes cycling very comfortable. I also ride past a small pond pictured below! It is all very pretty indeed.

There are other pretty spots I ride through too. It is just great riding through the trees in the cool of the early day!

We had a drive down to Caboolture to visit a new business taken up by our former neighbours, Andy and Naomi. They have recently taken over a Pet Supplies store. The current economic climate is making things tough for them. However they hope to get through it all unscathed.

Then on Wednesday I spent much of the day helping a Computer Club Colleague setup his new PC. Needless to say I had a great time. Trish went to her "Stitchers" Christmas lunch yesterday too.

These are the last blocks for sale on our estate. Prices are around the $300,000+ mark! Great views from here though!

Today is a bit of a catchup day. Most days are bright and sunny with temps in the high 20's. How "hot" it gets depends on the level of humidity. The pool gets to 26 degrees most days. Monday was cool with about 26 but it has been steadily warming up since. Rain is expected overnight Saturday. We get severe weather warnings most afternoons but generally the storms do not happen! We do know that the storms tend to build up over the days so eventually the storm will come.

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