Sunday, November 16, 2008


Being on a 'new' estate there are always new homes for sale. With the recent economic downturn, the sales of new homes across Australia has fallen. When on a bike ride a few weeks ago I noticed quite a few new homes with For Sale signs up. Today when I was on my bike ride it was interesting to note that about 50% of these new homes for sale now have "Sold" signs on them (like this one above).

The government has introduced measures to support young couples in the purchase of new homes and this seems to be having a positive effect here on house sales on the Sunshine Coast.

It was about 26 degrees at 7:30 am this morning when I headed off for my 10k bike ride. I was hot when I got back home. However we have storms forecast for this afternoon and cooler weather with showers for the next couple of days so I gave the lawn a quick mow. Otherwise I would have had to wait till later in the week to mow based on the forecast. After mowing, it was into the pool before breakfast for a cool off! The pool is about 23 degrees most mornings at the moment.

I will give the half the lawn that took most of the traffic from the pool installation a few years ago another feed during the week. The soil underneath in this area has been compressed and doesn't hold water too well. I have been aerating it to try to break up the compressed soil. The grass is not quite as lush in this area.

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