Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Couple Of Disasters

We have not had things go smoothly since my last post yesterday. The new PC was not available for me to collect as promised. The courier who was delivering a new shipment of monitors to the shop failed to arrive so it now appears it should be OK for collection on Monday (pending the delivery of the shipment of monitors).

Secondly there was an ominous pop sound from the garage where I store my home brew while it matures. A closer inspection showed some tell tale signs that a bottle had 'exploded', a beer odour throughout the garage and signs of spilt beer running down the outside of the polystyrene boxes I store them in. Needless to say after inspecting the damage it was a Dark Ale! The bottle on its side in this photo was the culprit. Click on the photo to have a larger view. Then hit back to return this page. See how the base of the bottle has split open creating a hole over 1 cm in diameter!

Thirdly we tried to watch a movie last night that I had downloaded from the internet. Both movies had very good recommendations from IMDB ( but turned out to be shockers! They take about 5 hours each to download and turn into DVD's. So there was a wasted 10 hours of work!

I had to watch the one-day cricket W.A. V N.S.W. instead!

This is a photo of the window to the room where I have the computer. There is not an eave over the window and this creates problems when it rains. I dare not leave it open in case there is a sudden storm. We have had a quote to put an awning over it and the work should be completed in a month. We are having it powder coated to fit in with the house colors so this takes a little more time.

We went out for a meal last night at our favorite little Thai restaurant where you can eat outdoors if you want. Food was great and the Balinese waitress is delightful!

The cooler and less humid S/W winds arrived overnight clearing away the storms and humidity of the last week. This is a cool change in this part of the world. Temperatures should get to the mid 20's rather than the 30 degrees or so of much of the last week.

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