Sunday, August 26, 2007


I was just about to put another blog post up yesterday when friends from Melbourne arrived for a quick visit. About 4 hours later they went and I was not in any condition (or frame of mind) to do the blog page!

A few showers Saturday morning saw the end of the rain. Blue sky started to show and the place warmed up quickly to the low 20's. It was great to have the sunshine back again, the weather does have an impact on your 'frame of mind'. The pool needed a good clean and some general tidying up needed to be done. This photo was taken mid morning on Saturday as the rain just cleared!

When in living in Melbourne I was at the football most weekends. There was a group of us who would meet and this made going to the footy lots of fun. A few beers and a good chat was always on the cards. There were many humorous stories too over those 30 years! The group changed a bit. The chap who dropped in yesterday was one of those guys I used to go to the footy with. It was a great afternoon.

Today (Sunday) I have cleaned the swimming pool, cleaned the pool filter and completed some tidying up after the rain.

Not only did we get a total of 304 mls (12 inches) of rain for the week, we also had gale force south easterly winds for the 5 or 6 days. This photo shows how 'ingrained' the rain became blown against the wall of the house. Though we have had no rain for well over 24 hours, the bricks on the eastern wall of the house remain saturated.

The lad Chris has a new job and he will be working for Boeing in Port Melbourne.

Blogger (at ) really makes making your own blog page very easy. There are numerous tools available for you to use to make your page interesting. It is easy to add photos and links. You can choose your 'design' from many templates, add and remove 'elements' easily and just today they have made it so you can add your own video to the page. This is not a good idea though for readers who are on 'dial-up' as it would slow down how the page loads. Try it, it is lots of fun and so easy to do.

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