Sunday, April 19, 2020

Riding, Walking, Downloading and Watching!

That sums it all up really!  I didn't ride today as we had thunderstorms and almost an inch of rain earlier on.  But it all dried out this afternoon so we walked around 3,200 steps (according to my smart watch).

I nearly forgot another few things I get up to, mixing, bottle washing, bottling and drinking ... my home brew of course.

After this morning's downpour the pool is now full again and with the water temperature remains around 22° or 23°. There are possibly only a few more swims left in the season after a bike ride.

It's a little sad when the highlight of the week is Pizza on "Cheap Tuesday" or Fish n Chips for tea.  But they become the week's highlight. Another highlight was when the BBQ ran out of gas and I had to drive to Bunnings for a refill, big day that one!

So life just ambles along nowadays.  I get to mow the lawn for a spike of excitement or even vacuum the pool whether it needs doing or not.  Or I jump online and find a few more titles to download and add to my online library.  My doing this gets to put a smile on a few friends faces and I get a buzz out of that. I even tidied up the floor in the garden shed which needed doing badly.

Both Trish and I are guarding our $750 each from the Prime Minister and mull over what to buy!  EBay gets a good look most days and I only buy really worthwhile stuff, like another 4TB portable hard drive for the movie and TV Series library stuff I have.  Trish grabbed a great grater adapter for her recently purchased food mixer.  Thanks Scott!

We will finish the latest series of Bosch tonight, a fantastic TV series.  Then it will most likely be "Anne with an E" or something else I have grabbed from online.  My brother down there in Victoria calls it "Channel Les" which I rather like.  People say 'Have you got this series Les?"  If the answer is "No", I usually add, "Give me an hour or so and it will be available".  That's the sort of challenge I enjoy.

So we are both well if a little bored.

Finally it is beginning to cool off.  Even recently it has been to bed with the fan on low and just a sheet.  We've possibly had 2 nights where we have slept under a quilt so far this year.  With the rain this morning and then mid 20's this afternoon, it will be warm and humid again overnight I suppose.

The problem with my thumb and pointer on my right hand continues.  An MRI exposed swelling around the top of my spine putting pressure on some nerves affecting my right hand.  I am looking at dry laser or needling to try and improve it.  It has improved albeit so slowly over the last few months.

My hearing aid has needed to be replaced in my 'crook' ear and boy it has made quite a difference.  Now I have to remember to wear them both!

So that's it for the Thomas family in Caloundra.  Both of our organizations are in lockdown giving us a spell from that stuff, a spell I am rather enjoying I must add. 

Flu jabs must be due soon I suppose.

Whoa, it's after 4 pm and alcohol beckons.

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