Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Topsy Turvy Weather

There isn't any rain involved but the temperatures up here sure do fluctuate from day to day.  A glorious 29° yesterday and a freezing 19° today.  I say 19° for today but that doesn't factor in the wind chill factor.  At 1 p.m. my phone tells me it is 18.5° but feels like 13.5°.  There isn't a cloud in the sky, but finally the cold southerly wind is beginning to die down. 

The photo above was taken a week or so ago and again gives you an idea of how it may look nice outside but looks can be deceiving! This photo was taken one morning and again we had just had a cold wind change go through.

If Melbourne gets a cold weather outbreak, a day or two later we can expect a chilly southerly change up here as well.

Even though we are not travelling any where at the moment, Trish has had a second bout of a head cold.  Usually if she isn't moving too well, we are away somewhere.  But not this time.

And I have still managed to escape catching it.

We haven't seen any rain for some time and the front lawn is beginning to die off from a lack of water.  But this can be a dry time in this part of the world. Summer is usually when we get all the storms and the rainy days.

And really, that is about all the news.

With spring not far away we are beginning to get our heads around tidying up outside, cleaning down the pavers, pressure spraying the border paving blocks and just generally tidying and cleaning up.

The front garden has been done and even the brick letter box has had a pressure spray.

I was given a brew in thanks for some help I gave someone.  Every now and again you expect a failure when you are home brewing and this one didn't seem to brew properly and took almost two weeks instead of the usual 7 days.  It eventually got bottled and after a couple of weeks it was ready to try. 

I managed three or four bottles before I gave up and decided to tip it all out.  This has put me a brew down in the total I should have.  Another brew will go on this week and this will mean I have caught up again and supplies will return to normal.

I've got a new hearing aid coming along in a week or so with thanks to a government subsidy and our health insurance.  Trish has reluctantly decided to toss out her food mixer.  When we think back to when the current food mixer first arrived it turns out it was almost 50 years ago!  So we suspect we are due to get a replacement.

I still manage three or four (and sometimes when the weather is warm enough) even up to five bike rides per week.  I tend to wait until it has warmed up enough and I have learnt to go for the 'feels like' temperatures rather than 'actuals'.

Keeping up with movies and TV series continues to keep me busy.  With so much stuff available on Netflix and the other providers nowadays you could get by with not downloading.  But it is nice to have access to almost everything that is out there.

One of the guys at Computer Club has just got back from a cruise which took in Japan.  I was interested to hear him talk about how awfully hot and humid as well as expensive Tokyo was. It was so hot they frequently would head back to the ship for some air conditioned comfort and where meals were supplied.  They found a basic lunch for both of them at around $80 was a bit on the steep side, especially when food on the ship was at no charge!

As usual our news remains the same old same old.  Trish is heading down to Melbourne in September while I will stay up here.  The colder weather doesn't do anything for me down there but we will both be heading down south over Xmas and I am again hopeful of getting down for the early (and warmer part) of the footy season in March.

Nowadays Melbourne is about as far as I feel like travelling while I have lost much enthusiasm to travel overseas.  Despite this lack of enthusiasm, I still keep my eyes open for cheap airfares to Malaysia though!

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