Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Still Swimming!

Anzac Day has come and gone but the pool still gets a work out after a bike ride despite getting closer to winter.  With a water temperature still over 22°, any swim, as short as it may be, is still 'do-able'.  But rest assured, I am not in the water for long!  Usually Anzac Day is the swimming cut off date but with nights still being a little warmer than usual, it is taking a while for the pool temp to get to under 21° so swimming is still an option.

Showery weather has returned for today taking any bike ride off the agenda but leaving me free to play around with my tech stuff.

The next Newsletter for the Community Association has all but been completed and it seems I can knock one up to a first edit stage in less than 4 hours.  And now we have only 6 editions per year the pressure has come right off.

I did a 16k bike ride the other day but that distance is a rarity nowadays.  Most days I ride between 12 and 14k's which is more than enough.

My right arm continues to cause me some discomfort so I gave the doctor a visit on the advice of the Chiro.  It seems I have torn a muscle between my elbow and my wrist and I have no idea what I did to tear the muscle.  Time will eventually cure that.

I have another brew 'on' and will bottle it tomorrow.

We both remain fairly busy, Trish with the Arts Centre Association and me helping people out with video and computer stuff.  Our older friends Brian and Edna have decided their laptop was getting slower and slower so I took it to Computer Club where one of the guys reformatted it for them at no charge.  It took another 3 or 4 hours for me to put everything back on it and get things working OK again for them.

But they are happy now, Kodi loads quickly for him and he can keep up with all the latest movies and TV series such as Game of Thrones.  I will do the same with Trish's laptop this weekend.  However the guy will replace the laptop hard drive with a 256GB SSD drive and then load up Windows 10 making it heaps faster than it was previously.

I am not convinced the recent Bios update to my PC has improved it at all, it seems a little touchy nowadays when starting up.  But it ALWAYS starts ... eventually!

The wet showery weather has returned today so I am stuck inside.

If you are not into Tech stuff then this won't interest you.  I have been messing around with Plex, a program which arranges and then allows you to stream your own media anywhere across your home network or even to fiends via the internet.  I haven't mastered this last bit just yet but I am finding the messing around and discovering how it works very interesting.

I have resurrected my old PC and I am using it to power the Plex setup.  Previously I was running Plex from my Seagate Cloud NAS drive. But because of a lack of processing power there were some aspects of the program which just didn't work.  But by using the old high i5 powered PC, it works heaps better.

And isn't my footy team doing well!  I am very pleased with the way things are going at the moment.  Trish's team had a bit of a scare last weekend but all finished happily ever after eventually.

My brother and his wife are heading to Borneo, Kuala Lumpur and Penang in June.  It is a relatively short trip but we have been in contact with ideas on where they can eat!  Our daughter Kim and a girl friend are there at the moment sending back heaps of photos of food.  But then that is one of the best things about visiting Malaysia.

So as the rain comes down here on the Sunshine Coast it is time for me to get back to my playing with my tech stuff.   I hope this hasn't been too boring for you!

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