Thursday, February 21, 2019

Cyclonic Conditions to Hit the Coast

The weather bureau seems to be hedging its bets on what is going to happen with Cyclone Oma as it comes close to us on Queensland's SE Coast.  One thing for sure is it seems the prolonged dry spell will be coming to a close.

 It was easy to spot the weeds in the front lawn a week or two ago, they were the only green bits.  However a couple of new weeds which missed the weed spray a fortnight ago showed their heads yesterday.  So I went to dig them out.  The weeds roots broke off as I tried to pull them out.  A few centimetres down the soil is like concrete.  So a heap of rain won't go astray.

Our little house is one a a minority of homes on the Sunshine Coast which is above the 100 year flood mark.  Our street is also designed as a water escape route and as a result we have steep driveways so any flood waters can get away easily.

The wet weather is expected to arrive from tomorrow on into mid next week and the amount we get will depend on the unpredictable route of cyclone Oma.  But we have been assured it will be wet and could be extremely windy. The photo shows the sky to the south where the cyclonic conditions will come from.  Right now it looks pretty good doesn't it?

So the sun blinds along the back of the house will be wound up and the Waeco fridge will be brought inside.  The sun umbrella has already been packed away.

In the mean time it has been hot and humid.  Despite the cyclone being 1,000k's away, the sea swell from the cyclone has been buffeting the coast.  I suggest most Sunshine Coast beaches will be closed later today or into tomorrow.  Erosion of the coastline is the other major concern.  Both here and the Gold Coast depend quite a bit on tourism so restocking eroded sand to the beaches will be a high Council priority when the wind subsides and the weather returns to normal.

Even just checking the weather forecast it seems the amount of rain we may get has been cutback considerably.  What was 6" a day on yesterday's forecast is back to around 2" on today's forecast.

So with wet weather forecast I have bottle washed today and the new brew will go on tomorrow.  I have done almost 70ks in bike rides this week and have cut the daily ride back by a few k's daily.

The car goes in for its annual service next week getting it in shape for the drive to Melbourne coming up.  We expect to hit Melbourne on Friday March 15th and hopefully spend the night with Chris and Wendy before onto Kate's the next day.

We are expecting to catch up with friends we may have missed during our quick trip over Christmas.  It seems we will head home via Omeo arriving back on the coast around Thursday April 3rd.

New glasses will be collected next week with eye tests indicating my eyesight is deteriorating faster in one eye than the other.  That's what happens when you turn 73 I suppose.

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