Friday, March 04, 2016

Warm Weather Continues

It continues to be same old same old I am afraid!

We have been tidying up around the house with some general maintenance stuff, lawn mowing and the like.

I have been messing around and trying to solve problems with my Android TV boxes.  I manage to solve one problem which then in turn activates another and so on.  Then there is an update and things need to be reverted all the way back again so they work again.   But it is all fun.

You don't need to listen to the weather Forecast here any more, it says there will be a top of 30 (that feels more like 35), possible shower (which means absolutely not a drop of rain ... or 20mls) and strong S/E winds.  Overnight will be hot and humid with a low of 22 degrees!  It has been like this for the last fortnight and is set to continue for another week.

A little bit of out and about away from the house for us this week.  We again went to the RSL on Wednesday where the band was a Beach Boys 'tribute' band.  I should not have worn my hearing aids as the music was more than loud enough.  However the food was its usual standard .... lousy!

But the company was great and the beer was plentiful and cold!

I am on the bike again managing my 12 or so kilometres each day.  It is all fun to do to be active and the pool is always there after the ride is over.  Right now it is nice and warm in the water.

The improved internet speeds are sensational.  We now have a reasonable service but feel spoilt because things are just so much quicker and easier.

Trish is lessening her role with Stitchers and is no longer the President.  She has served her two year term and is no longer eligible to stand for that position.  She remains Secretary of the overall organisation though!

I was doing some pressure cleaning today on some of the border stones in the backyard.  The little machine I use is around four or five years old now and has developed a couple of cracks in the plastic 'gun' used with the spraying.  Nowadays when I use it, more water sprays back over me from the cracks in the plastic than sprays onto the border stones I am trying to clean.

It went into the bin today.

My cheap Mobile Phone from China is experiencing battery problems so I have swapped the battery over for the one out of Trish's old phone.  The battery from it isn't too good either but it is sure better than mine.  It would say 85% battery available and you would speak on the phone for around 5 minutes.  Then the call disconnected without any warning because the battery had run out!

I am buying a couple of new ones, one for my phone and the other for Trish's old phone.  Just handy to have Trish's old phone as a backup just in case.

My battery is a good quality one at around $18 (on eBay) from China, the other for Trish's old phone is just $10.  If we get another 12 month's use out of my phone it will be money well spent!

Drinks at our place at 3pm this afternoon so I had better get outside and get the place ready!

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