Sunday, November 09, 2014

Picture Yourself!

It is a sensational Sunday afternoon.

The pool is around 27.5º and there isn't a cloud in the sky!  The air temp is probably around 28 degrees and that howling wind has died to a comfortable sea-breeze which is blowing cooler air through the house.

You can sit under the fan right now and watch the golf from Shanghai.  Or you sit back in the pool in the pool lounge, enjoy a cool drink and soak up the warmish pool water. Just picture yourself!

It ain't half bad!

Trish has been out all day today (and yesterday) at the Art Show Fair.  She is really enjoying her involvement and they are making heaps of money for the association!

The sun pergola we had built just over 12 months ago now is just perfect.  Perfectly positioned and now providing glorious shade over our concreted backyard!

Notice the pint of English Bitter on the table?

Right now there isn't as much beer in it as when the photo was taken!

Being Queensland and needless to say, in an hour or two around 5pm someone just over the back will decide to mow their lawn!  Things are done a little strangely in this part of the world!

On a sadder note, the puncture I repaired last week came back.  I was greeted with a flat front tyre again this morning.  I took it all apart and saw the puncture patch was leaking.  Most likely I didn't use enough glue.  Trish has bought me some new fangled stick on patches so I used one of those.  That was a waste of time, the new fangled patch didn't hold either and the tyre went flat again.

Being well prepared I have a couple of spare new tubes in the garage.  I put a new tube in and completed my ride.

Upon my return I used plenty of glue and an old fangled tube patch and stuck it all back together again.

The patched tube has become my new 'spare'.

Click on each photo for a larger view.

I help Brian across the road a bit with movies etc.  His 83 year old mate Ernie has money to burn and is setup with a Media Player as well.  I heard via Brian that Ernie's WD media player had 'died' so he had bought a replacement, a Phillips brand which is no where as good as the WD Live Streaming Media Player we all use.

Ernie couldn't get the new media player to work so Brian brought it over to our place to check it out.  I set it up on my TV and it worked OK. When Ernie got it back he again yesterday, he set it up but the thing wouldn't work on his Sony TV.

Brian drive me over there this morning to have a go at getting it to work.  We discovered it would work perfectly on their second Samsung TV but Ernie's big 55' Sony TV didn't like it.

So the problem was partly solved.  Ernie had his old allegedly non-working WD media player there so I plugged it in and "Bingo" it worked perfectly!  The power pack on the WD is quite large.  It is a battle to plug it right in if you have something plugged into the power point beside it.  You can do it but it isn't a 'good' connection.  You can get a file and file a bit of the Power Pack away so it fits comfortably if a little snugly into the power point.

I am guessing something had happened previously and the oversized power pack hadn't quite been plugged in properly.  Thus the media player didn't work!

We filed a bit off the power pack so it fitted neatly, plugged it in and we had 'ignition'.  Everything worked OK.

Ernie was happy to have his media player back again (and they could watch the latest Downton Abbey) but the local Dick Smith Electrical Store won't be happy when the get a Phillips Media Player returned!

Oh, and one more thing, Arj's latest blog update from Saudi Arabia is HERE!

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