Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Coronavirus and Living in SEQ!

Well I guess it is the same as everywhere else.

In some ways we are fortunate in that we are retired.  I guess it is the same here as it would be anywhere else in Australia.  In some ways we are fortunate in that we are retired and don't have some of the issues people need to cope with who have a job to go to.

So large groups of people both indoors and outdoors are now banned, unless you are a school of course.  Are schools just glorified 'baby sitters'?  It seems so!  Ah well, let's sit up straight and absorb it.  The Prime Minister states that children are less likely to catch Covid 19.  Bad luck for the school staff though but I guess they are 'expendable'.

Trish's Art Centre Association is continuing to remain open but numbers attending have dwindled.  The same can be said for my Computer Club as only the diehards now make the effort to get along.  I'm guessing this will possibly mean our Community Association will need to modify how it operates and our Management meetings should continue but I suspect our Public Meetings will be put on hold!

The internet continues to hum away so a major interest of mine continues unabated!

So now for a summary of everything.

We have enjoyed visits from our daughter Kate and the grandchildren.  To say the grandkids had a ball up here would be an understatement.  Between the beach and the waves and then back to the pool here at home seemed to be the daily program.  Theme Parks, sight seeing drives and other tourist things were put on hold and it was back to the beach and back to the pool for them!  And for the week they were here the sun stayed away a little making days at the beach great.

And then a couple of weeks ago there was another knock on the front door and it was our daughter Kim making a surprise visit for Trish's birthday.  Wow, what a wonderful surprise it was.

It seems any of our planned trips down south will be all put on hold until Christmas. With travel advice restrictions coming in to force and the virtual shut down of AFL footy because of the Covid 19 curse, travelling any where seems a bit pointless right now!

While Kate was here she talked us into updating our outdoor setup under the pergola.  You can see the outcome in the photo above.  Yes it does get a bit wet at times but give the material 15 minutes or so and all is dry again.  It wasn't cheap either so you would expect stuff to dry quickly.

We've had one of the hottest summers ever up here with very hot days and mid to high 20's overnight.  It has been a stinker and the air con has had a bit of a workout.  Pool temps of around 32° were really just too hot for swimming.  It wasn't bad for a quick swim before hitting the hay though!

With the new air conditioner in the bedroom we ensured a couple of very hot nights were OK for us!

With the outbreak of the virus and the resultant huge hit in our super savings, getting the new car and updating the pergola furniture will possibly turn out to be blessings in disguise.  They are now all bought and in use.

Having a couple of smaller supermarkets quite close to where we live means getting any sort of supplies isn't really a problem for us ... yet!

The fall out from the storm late last year continues.  Repairs continue all around the place.  We had our little car written off but others have had damage done to their homes.  Many tin roofs are dented meaning the whole roof is replaced.  A friend has had the metal window frames pitted from the hale and all to be replaced.  A couple of dents in your tin shed and insurance will replace it.

No wonder insurance costs will rise this year!

We are both well and doing quite well despite the situation with the virus pandemic!

And we hope you are too doing it all pretty comfortably as well!