Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Thanks to people with their kind words in their emails.

Our bus trip to Brisbane Airport tomorrow morning has been confirmed. We are being collected from our home at 8:00am. After a considerable time on hold, Royal Brunei Airlines has confirmed our flight for tomorrow, departing at 12:30pm. The Airline representative told us to be checked in 2 hours before the due take-off time. We had the understanding we should have been there 3 hours prior to take-off!

The front lawn has been mown, I had a quick checkup at the dentist this morning, the BBQ has been put under a plastic cover. Later on the pool will get another clean, the chairs will be locked in the garden shed and the bins will be put out the front.

See you in about 6 weeks!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Getting Closer

Things are just about 'all prepared' though packing still needs to be done prior to us leaving on Wednesday for our once in a lifetime trip to UK, Ireland and Europe.

We will return home in mid June.

Please refrain from sending emails which would arrive after 8 am on Wednesday.

I am not taking the laptop with me so the 'Blog' will be off air for the time we are away and I will be unable to readily access emails. (I am already showing some internet browsing withdrawal symptoms.)

For interest sake, I am again posting the two travel brochures for the two tours we are doing while away. Interspersed before and after the tours is free time in London!

We leave here flying Royal Brunei Airlines on Wednesday May 7th and fly to London via Bandar (Brunei), Dubai (we stay on board the plane) and arrive in London on May 8th at 6:25 am.We have three nights staying in Marble Arch in London.

Our first tour of UK and Ireland leaves May 11th and arrives back in London on May 23rd. The tour brochure is below:

We then have another three nights in London, this time staying at Victoria Park Plaza Hotel on Vauxhall Bridge Road.

On May 27th we set off on our second tour which goes to Europe. The brochure appears below.

We then have two more nights in London before flying home on Tuesday June 17th. We arrive back in Brisbane on Wednesday June 18th at about 8 pm.

Remember you can click on either brochure for a larger view, then click on "Back" to return to this page.

Our Texan friend is enjoying a birthday sometime around now, Happy Birthday to you Lou!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Take Off Getting Closer

Wednesday evening saw us head into Mooloolaba and eat at The Spirit Of Tibet restaurant. As usual the food was outstanding. It also allowed me to pick up a couple of 2GB SD cards for the new camera from a Maroochydore supplier. Thursday was again spent charging batteries for cameras, booking transport from here to Brisbane Airport, notifying banks we would be travelling overseas and crossing a few more things off the Things To Do list.

Daytime temps in London at the moment vary from 12 to 20 degrees. Overnight are still 'single' figures. Rome is experiencing mid 20's, all of which is having an impact on what clothes we are taking.

We fly out at 12;30 pm on Wednesday May 7th.

We both continue to get our daily bike ride in and organize the house for being away, set up pool cleaning with a neighbour, have bins put away after we go etc. I have bought a 'new' padlock for the side gate ... these sorts of things to tie up loose ends. This is a photo of the Bellvista Lake we ride our bikes around most mornings.

I am currently downloading my movies as P2P and I am using a program called Azureus. Like Firefox, you can add features to Azureus to make your downloading safer and more interesting. I have added an Azureus plugin called "Safepeer". Downloading movies is illegal and certain agencies (usually USA movie houses) scan the web and spy upon people who are using P2P to swap movies all around the world. If you are caught your ISP is contacted and they are required to issue you with a warning. Some say three warnings and then you asked to leave that ISP!

The Azureus plugin Safepeer imports a list of websites which do the 'spying' and then is able to protect your downloading from their eyes. Very nifty!